
The Conexus open access network was born as a response to the need for a high-quality symmetric internet connection through a 100% fiber optic network, innovating in the incorporation of state-of-the-art technology in real estate projects from their conceptualization.

This infrastructure allows you to take advantage of the multiple benefits of fiber optics such as: higher speed and stability in the internet connection, better bandwidth, better video and audio quality, less interference, more security, easier installation and more resistance.

The fiber optic open access network model (Open Access Network) has benefits such as:

  • Efficiency in civil works.
  • Freedom of choice at competitive prices.
  •  It is much faster, which means a faster Internet connection, a more efficient download of files.
  • It has better bandwidth.
  •  Improves video and audio quality.
  • Less interference.
  • More security.
  • Easy to install as it takes up little space.
  • More flexible.
  • Greater resistance to cold and heat and does not corrode easily.
  •  It has a long service life.